SureStep Equine and Livestock Surfacing (SureStep ELS) is a proprietary non-slip surface made from recycled rubber combined with a one-of-a-kind binder that is hand-troweled onto an existing surface such as the floor of your horse or stock trailer.
SureStep ELS can help protect your investment by keeping your horses safer, making them more comfortable, and saving you time and money on cleaning and maintenance.

With SureStep ELS horses are safer and more comfortable
The SureStep ELS cushioning effect means that even horses with hoof or leg soreness are more comfortable. Since horses don’t have to strain to maintain their footing they can be more relaxed, and since SureStep ELS is a noise suppressant, a quieter ride can reduce stress, too.
- Since there’s no need for ANY bedding, horses breathe cleaner air and stay cleaner. SureStep ELS offers the best slip-resistant surface available. Horses are more stable and don’t have to strain to maintain their footing.
- SureStep ELS flooring absorbs a portion of the impact shock on horses’ hooves, helping to prevent lameness and injury.
- A lighter color floor means that horses have better depth perception. They see the floor so they don’t hesitate stepping into the trailer.
- The insulating factor of SureStep ELS means that the floor and horses stay cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.
SureStep ELS saves you time and money on cleaning and maintenance
No mats are needed in a SureStep ELS-floored trailer so there are no mats to pull, clean, and replace!
SureStep ELS is a poured-in-place, permanent surface that is bonded to the trailer floor.
- First, our one-of-kind SureStep Adhesive Seal is applied to the floor which protects metal and wood surfaces from corrosion.
- Second, the SureStep ELS recycled rubber flooring is applied.
SureStep’s porous surface allows fluids to flow through
SureStep ELS is permeable, allowing fluids to drain in areas with slope and also allowing moisture to evaporate quickly, eliminating puddles and standing water.
In a horse trailer, this completely eliminates the need for any bedding, saving you time and money – no more purchasing, installing, or removing bedding. As a result, your horses will be more comfortable and breathe cleaner air.
Questions? Ready to get started?
Use our contact form to send us an email, or give us a call at (605) 892-4032 or (800) 861-4032.
Better yet, stop by our location and check out one of our trailers with SureStep ELS already installed. You’ll be glad you did!